Jedna od
najljepših gradskih građevina, dvorac u centru grada
zvan popularno "Stari Grad", svoje korijene
vuće iz 15 stoljeća. Tada su građani slobodnog kraljevskog grada Varaždina sagradili prve utvrde kako bi se zaštitili od napada turaka i nasilja lokalnog plemstva. Sama tvrđava građena je i nadograđivana od 15 do 17 stoljeća kako bi pružila što bolju zaštitu. Stoga je onda predstavnik jedinstvene sinteze stilova, od gotike preko renesanse do baroka. Do danas je uspjela sačuvati izgled tipične srednjovjekovne utvrde na vodi. U Starom gradu danas je povijesni muzej grada Varaždina, sa vrlo bogatom zbirkom namještaja, oružja, nakita, slika, i drugih vrijednih umjetnina. |
One of
the most beautiful buildings, a castle in the center of
Varazdin known by the name of "Stari grad" (the
Old city) has it's roots back in 15 century. The citizens of the Royal Borough Varazdin started building it to protect themselves from Turkish attacks and from vicious noble man. The castle was built and rebuilt from 15 to 17 century to provide better protection to the city. It represents a unique synthesis of building styles, from gothic, through rainessance to baroque. Until today it managed to preserve the looks of a typical medieval castle on water. Castle now serves as a history museum of Varazdin, with a rich collection of furniture, weaponry, jewelry, paintings, and other valuable artifacts. |