Ivan Krpan

Skala samoprocjene u evaluaciji uspješnosti sistemske obiteljske terapije

Self - evaluation scale in the effectiveness evaluation of the systemic family therapy

Acta Med 1989;15:71-84.

Autor se bavi problemom evaluacije uspješnosti sistemski orijentirane obiteljske terapije. Procjenu uspješnosti vrši 30 shizofrenih bolesnika i relevantnih članova obitelji koji su prošli obiteljsku terapiju za vrijeme boravka bolesnika u stacionaru (bolnička proširena terapijska zajednica) i još godinu dana po otpustu iz bolnice (vanbolnička proširena terapijska zajednica). Za tu priliku autor je formirao skalu samoprocjene u pet stupnjeva, a koja registrira deset konkretiziranih aspekata obiteljske interpersonalne stvarnosti.

Više od 50 % shizofrenih bolesnika tvrdi da je promjena na bolje izražena u 6 aspekata obiteljskih interpersonalnih odnosa, a za još tri to isto tvrdi njih 50 %. Članovi obitelji su veći optimisti: više od 50 % njih procjenjuje da je promjena na bolje izražena u 9 od 10 segmenata.

Autor dalje djelomično analizira tu razliku u procjenama bolesnika i članova njihovih obitelji i zalaže se za neophodnost provjere djelotvornosti vlastitog rada s oiteljima bez obzira na brojne ograničavajuće faktore koji su imanentni psihosocijalnoj sferi ljudske egzistencije.

The author is considering the effectiveness evaluation of the systemic oriented family therapy. The evaluation of the effects is performed by 30 schizophrenic patients and their relevant family members who had passed the family therapy in the course of schizophrenic patient hospitalization (extended hospital therapeutic community) and one year after the discharge form hospital (outpatient extended therapeutic community).

For these circumstances the author had formed a five level self - evaluation scale which registers ten concrete aspects of the interpersonal family reality. More than 50 percents of schizophrenic patients declared that an improvement was expressed in 6 aspects of the interpersonal family relations, and for 3 more aspects the same opinion vas declared in the other 50 percents. Members of the families were more optimistic; more than 50 percents declared that an improvement was expressed in 9 out of 10 aspects.

This difference between the valuation of the patients and the valuation of the members of their families is partly further analyzed.

The author promotes an attitude that the effectiveness evaluation of his own work with families is indispensable in spite ofnumerous limitation factors that are immanent in the psychosocial sphere of human existence.</div>