Utjecaj mentalnog zdravlja roditelja shizofrenih pacijenata na kvalitetu međuljudskih odnosa i razvojne potencijale obitelji |
The influence of mental health of the schizophrenic patients' parents on the quality of the interpersonal relationships and developmental potentialities of the family |
Psychiatria Danubina 1994;6(1-2):99-104. |
je obiteljska terapija obitelji 12 shizofrenih pacijenata
s roditeljima koji su imali neko psihijatrijski
poremećaj, te 18 obitelji kod kojih takvog poremećaja
nije bilo. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita do koje
mjere roditeljsko mentalno zdravlje može utjecati na
kvalitetu međusobnih odnosa, kao i na evolucijske
potencijale obitelji. Procjena je napravljena prije i
poslije terapije putem posebnog intervjua. Dobivene
informacije kvantificirane su procjenskom ljestvicom i
t-testom. Kakvoća odnosa bila je značajno lošija u prvoj grupi prije terapije. Evolucijske mogućnosti bile su bolje u drugoj skupini. Ovo iskustvo je pokazalo da treba voditi računa o pacijentima čiji roditelji imaju neke psihijatrijske poremećaje. |
schizophrenic patients' families with parents having some
mental disorders, as well as eighteen families in that it
is not the case, were involved in the family therapy. The
purpose of the research was to investigate to what extent
the parents' mental health, as well as their evolutionary
potentials, influence the quality of the interpersonal
family relationships. By means of systemic - relational -
psychodynamic interview two evaluations of the family
interpersonal relationships quality were made: before the
family therapy inclusion as well as after its
"closure". Recorded information were quantified by means of the judgement scale and put in the computer program (t-test difference). The interpersonal relations quality of the first group is significantly lower before the family therapy. In this group the therapeutic interventions provoked statistically significant change towards more functional behaviors in three (11.53 %), and in the second group in nine (34.11 %) of twenty six variables. Thus, the evolutionary potentials of the second group are distinctively bigger. The experience as well as results address to the necessity of paying special attention to the schizophrenic patients' families with the parents having some mental disorders. |