Neke etičke implikacije konstruktivizma u psihijatriji |
Some ethic implications of constructivism in psychiatry |
Socijalna psihijatrija 1993;21:65-70. |
stvarnost je više plod preslikavanja teorijskog modela
nego objektivne stvarnosti. To će iskusnijeg i
otvorenijeg terapeuta učiniti, barem načelno,
eklektikom koji bi se trebao, rjeđe sam, a češće u
partnerskom donosu s drugim terapeutima i klijentima,
pokušavati približiti terapijskim ciljevima koji su
isto tako definirani kroz suradnju. Po prosudbi autora, uvid u ove okolnosti implicira i izvjesne etičke imperative. Oni bi trebali popuniti jaz između objektivnog i konstruiranog, između onoga što jeste i onoga što pritom, s manje ili više uspjeha, koristimo kao pragmatički nadomjestak. Upravo taj čin "spajanja" čini psihijatriju specifičnom terapijskom djelatnošću. |
reality is the result of the theoretical model coping
with objective reality (objectivity). By means of it, at
least fundamentally, a more experienced and open - minded
therapist will be turned into the eclectic who should try
to reach, rarely alone and more often in the
therapeutical relationship with other therapists and
clients, the therapeutic goals defined in the course of
their cooperation. The author also considers that the insight into these circumstances implies certain ethic imperatives. They should be used to fill up the gap between the objective and constructed features, as well as between the existing ones and those that are used with more or less success as the pragmatic surrogate. It is exactly this act of "integration" that turns psychiatry into a specific therapeutic activity. |