Ivan Krpan & Nenad Horvat

Sumanutost proganjanja - traženje smisla u obiteljskom odnosnom prostoru

Paranoid ideas - seeking lost sense in the relational space of the family

Acta Medicorum 1996;22:21-9.

Unatoč univerzalnosti doživljaja da "stradavamo tuđom krivicom", medicinski model sumanutim idejama psihijatrijskih klijenata osporava smisao. Dubinsko-psihološki model traži njihov "izgubljeni" smisao u individualno-psihološkom prostoru, dok sistemski model pomiče fokus na socijalni kontekst, prvenstveno obiteljski.

Cilj ovog istraživanja je traganje za eventualnim "smislom" paranoidnosti shizofrenih klijenata u sadašnjem životnom kontekstu. Isključene se etiološke pretenzije.

Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno po 50 obitelji sa identificiranim shizofrenim pacijentom (a) kod kojega u kliničkoj slici dominiraju sumanute ideje proganjanja i (b) kod kojih su one rijetkost ili do sada nisu zabilježene. Primijenjen je specijalni upitnik, a dobivene informacije su kvantificirane procjenskom ljestvicom i t-testom.

Istraživanje je motivirano teorijskim stavovima i svakodnevnom praksom autora. Svjesni ograničenosti generalizacija, interpretacije i implikacije rezultata ovog istraživanja pokušat ćemo iskoristiti u svakodnevnim terapijskim odnosima.

Although the exsperience of "being hurt by others' fault" is universal, medical model of thinking denies sense of clients' paranoid ideas. Psychodinamically - incpired models seek "lost" sense in individual psychological depths, while systemic models shift focus on social context, familial in the first place.

The propose of this study is to search for possible "sense" of paranoid ideas of clients with schizophrenia in their present life context. Etiologic aspirations in this study are excluded.

The study is performed on two groups of families, with 50 families in each. Each family in both groups had one member with schizophrenia. Sample A consists of families with an identified patient with paranoid ideas as dominant symptoms; sample B consists of families with identified patients who did not show paranoid ideas. A special questionary was applied; obtained data were quantified by a scale and t-test was computed.

The study is inspired by theoretical perspectives and everyday practice of authors. Being aware that generalization is of limited value, results of this study will be exploited in routine therapeutical settings.